Documentary Family Photography | Finn's First Haircut
I am here today to show you something very special! To show you a story that I was fortunate to witness and document. I have asked Moira (Finn's Mom) to put it into words, as you will see how special and emotional this was for her.
Thank you!
"The sponsored hair donation was such a special thing for Finn to do in memory of his Pops and it’s all been overwhelming and emotional although I don’t think Finn has fully grasped just how special it is and how super proud we all are of him; he has one big heart!”
“It hadn’t really been the intention to let Finn’s hair grow to such a great length but he never had any interest in going to the barbers to get it cut, even refusing when it was suggested.
Over the years Finn was often mistaken for a little girl because of the beautiful head of blond hair and gorgeous eyes but this never really bothered him, in fact he was quite amused by it “they think I’m a girl, but I’m really a boy” he’d laugh. Even in school Finn thought he had the best of both worlds explaining to me that the girls don’t play with the boys but they will play with him! The cuteness of it all.”

“As Finn’s hair kept growing I began researching into hair donation and spoke to him about it.
We ultimately chose the Little Princess Trust who provide wigs completely free of charge to children whom have lost their own hair through illness. We also chose an amazing Irish charity to fundraise for in conjunction with the hair donation which is the Laura Lynn Ireland’s Children's Hospice who provides Family Support, Symptom Management, End-of-Life Care, Bereavement Support and Direct Care for children with life-limiting conditions. Two very worthy causes!”

“The support Finn received was fantastic from family, friends, neighbors, people near and far reached out. Laura Lynn were with us every step of the way. Finns school, Bunscoil Sráid Synge were absolutely fantastic with the Board of Management even doubling the amount raised by Finn’s classmates and peers. When presenting Finn with a cheque the school principal stated to Finn that she might not recognize him the following week; Finn told her it was ok, that he would wear the same shoes so she would!”
The generosity of people was really astounding with the online donation page Help Finn's Hair Today ..... Gone Tomorrow! Make a difference.
“Between this, sponsorship cards, and collection boxes Finn has so far raised over €3,000 which is incredible.
I wish to thank each and every single person who contributed to this for Finn, who sent him messages and words of support. I wish to thank Lenny and his team at Hairlough Barbers, Clondalkin who was an absolute gem and made Finn feel so at ease in the chair and Greta of Memorybeans Photography who captured the occasion so beautifully for Finn and made a video as a keepsake for him. We will be eternally grateful to each and everyone who played a part in the lead up to Finns Hair Today ..... Gone Tomorrow fundraiser."

“Finn will be saving lots of time not having to spend hours washing, drying and brushing it, time which he told me he can now spend playing. He loves his new hair cut but however I will need to learn how to style it for him...“
Moira, Finn’s Mum.
Documentary Family Photography in Dublin
Unposed photography is perfect for everyday life, family events and big family milestones like Finn’s first haircut. Let me help decide if it’s right for you!